Here is what to do if you already activated digital access

When you see the following screen. Click "LOGIN" then enter the email address and password you created on If you do not remember your password, click "forgot password" or send us an email at

Here is what to do if you have a subscription but did not activate your digital access

STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS as seen in the video tutorial: 

Step 1: Click the gray CREATE ACCOUNT button.

Step 2: Enter your email in the first two boxes, then create a password. 

Step 3: Enter your information and click “Complete Registration.

Step 4: In the next screen, click the blue "ACTIVATE" button. 

Step 5: Enter your account number and house number. 

If you don’t know your account number, find it on your invoice or click here to email customer service.

Step 6: Click “Yes” when a screen pops up to verify your identity.

Simply log in when ever you see the login screen.

Here is what to do if you do not have a subscription

If you see the following screen and you do not have an active subscription. Follow these quick steps: 

Step 1: Click the blue LOGIN button and enter your email and password your created when you registered online. If you have not yet registered, click gray CREATE ACCOUNT button and follow the prompts to register your email. 

Step 2: Select "Subscribe" to select your subscription options. 

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